The Satuit Nimrod

The Newsletter of the Scituate Rod & Gun Club
August 2021 — V28N08

News Around The Club
September is right around the corner and is a busy month for the club as we hold two meetings. Our regular business meeting on Monday, September 6th followed on Monday, September 20th with our Annual Meeting and Election of Officers. The locks will be changed after the second meeting. Remember, that in order to vote and receive a new key that you must have paid your dues.

The first meeting on the 6th is the night nominations for office are closed so it is important that we have a quorum at this meeting; please attend if at all possible. 

We held a Steel Plate Match on August 7th in furnace-level heat. Three brave (foolhardy?) members spent an hour ringing the targets before calling it a day. The new bowling pin targets on the Falling Plate rack in the left-most bay are an interesting challenge with smaller calibers. The higher you hit them, the better chance of them going down.

The next pistol match is in the planning stage for a September date. An email blast will be sent when a date and format have been firmed-up.

Cowboy Action Shooting
There are no matches planned for September as the Gunnysackers are shooting in distant locales.

Trap & Skeet
The hold on Wednesday night Skeet is still ongoing but we should see a return to shooting on Wednesdays come September.

We now have multiple levels of redundancy with the pumps in the Trap house thanks to Tom-In-The-Hole Lesko who reinstalled the battery back-up pump prior to the heavy rains brought on by Hurricane Henri.

Tom-In-The-Hole Lesko

Visitors to the Club
We had visitors to the club recently; a couple of bucks who walked out of the woods and onto the parking lot by the gate. One, the six-pointer pictured below, and the other a spike buck who was nervous and hung back close to cover. The 4-o'clock Committee was in session at the time and several members were observed to be smacking their lips and drooling excessively.

Quotes of the Month
“We take a word, such as freedom, and dress it up to mean the ability to bear firearms, display flags, collect rainwater or grow clean food, but absolute freedom is not a relative construct. It is not there one minute or outlawed the next. It can never be seized or given. It is ever-lasting and omnipresent.”
- Anita B. Sulser PhD, We Are One 

"Those who deny me the freedom to carry a firearm with which to protect my family and myself, are as complicit and guilty as the perpetrator should we be harmed or murdered by an act of violence."
- Charles F. "Chuck" Bearden

Stand-by For Ammo Price Hikes

Biden Administration Bans Importation of Russian Ammunition
Sourced from NRA-ILA

The Biden Administration’s Department of State announced that it will soon prohibit the importation of Russian ammunition into the United States. According to a release on the Department of State’s website, “[n]ew and pending permit applications for the permanent importation of firearms and ammunition manufactured or located in Russia will be subject to a policy of denial.”

While the new policy appears to prohibit the importation of both firearms and ammunition, the importation of Russian origin firearms was already heavily restricted under past executive policies. The primary effect of this new policy will be on Russian origin ammunition.

The State Department claims that it is imposing these “sanctions on the Russian Federation over its use of a “Novichok” nerve agent in the August 2020 poisoning of Russian opposition figure Aleksey Navalny.” While that may be a viable reason for the United States government to sanction the Russian Federation, the ammunition import restriction seems more aimed at punishing American gun owners and businesses than as a foreign policy tool to influence the Russian Federation.

Ammunition exports to the United States are only a small percentage of the GDP of the Russian Federation, but Russian origin ammo makes up a large part of the American ammunition supply. American gun owners were already suffering from a market where demand was exceeding available supply. This new move by the Biden Administration will severely worsen the present supply problems. Read the entire article here.

Club Calendar

Monday, September 6th – 8:00 pm — Nominations Close At This Meeting

Monday, September 20th – 8:00 pm. Also Key Night when the locks are changed.

Thursday, September 2nd – 7:00 PM

Sundays: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesdays: Summer Recess

Saturdays: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Tuesdays: 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm

A September shoot is planned, exact date and format TBD.

Nothing planned for September.

Tuesday, September 7th – 7:00 pm & Thursday September 9th – 7:00 pm

Sunday, September 12th – 9:00 am. Register here.

…And Finally