The Satuit Nimrod
The Newsletter of the Scituate Rod & Gun Club
May 2022 — V29N05
News Around The Club
The Kids Fishing Derby held on Saturday, May 7th — an unseasonably cool and cloudy day — enjoyed a great turnout with quite a number of fish being caught to the delight of the kids. Themed snacks and drinks were provided including Pond Punch, Swamp Water, Rods (chocolate dipped pretzel sticks with sprinkles/jimmies), Bait (gummy fish) and Fish & Chips (goldfish crackers and potato chips). Thanks go out to Rebecca Glancy and Mary Kinahan for their creativity with the snacks and drinks.
Photos of the event can be viewed/downloaded at:
The Vocational Life Skills Derby held the following Tuesday was a much quieter event and held under a clear blue sky. Only a few fish were landed with several more being hooked but getting away. The lack of action was blamed on a cormorant fishing in the pond. The bird has since departed for warmer climes.
Once again the highlight of the day was a visit by Nona's Ice Cream truck, many thanks to owner Tom Donohue for donating the ice cream — Tom is also a member. Photos of the event can be viewed/downloaded at:
Ever since our 50-yard range re-opened, getting a good sight picture has been a problem due to light levels under the shooting shed, especially on dull, cloudy days. That situation has now been rectified thanks to Drew Thompson who donated and installed three florescent lights and a timer. Now we can see our sights properly, excuses for misses will not be entertained. The timer is the grey box on the back wall of the shooting shed.
Mama Duck update — the vegetation has grown thick where she is nesting making it almost impossible to see her. Dave Glancy, in his official capacity of Executive Officer and Chief Duck Watcher, has inspected the area and reports that he can not hear any peeping yet.
The club has made a donation to the Scituate Police Department's K9 Vest Fund in the amount of $400.00. The money came from the proceeds of meeting raffles and the Skeet League.
Note there will be no meeting in July as the first Monday is also Independence Day.
The Pistol Committee wrapped up the month of May with a "Miss and You're Out!" match on Saturday, May 28th. The match attracted 12 shooters who shot the course of fire four times with the winners of all rounds being settled by shoot-offs at 50 yards on a 12-inch plate.
In Round 1, Drew Thompson, Richard Martin, Paul Figueirdo and Maura Devine shot clean. Maura and Paul missed on the first shoot-off with Drew winning the round after two more shoot-offs against Richard. Round 2 had three shooters who shot clean; Richard Martin, Paul Figueirdo and Arthur Fiorillo. Paul missed on the first shoot-off while Arthur and Richard continued for another three shoot-offs before Arthur missed. For Round 3, only Paul and Richard shot clean with Richard winning on a single shoot-off. Drew, Richard, Tom Chiarelli and Gordon Crosier all shot clean in Round 4. Gordon missed on the first cycle of shoot-offs while Tom stayed alive until the second. Drew and Richard continued battling it out for a total of seven shoot-offs; the final two being shot single handed before Drew missed and Richard rang the plate.
The date for a pistol shoot in June had not been determined at press time but the format is expected to be a Bullseye Match. An email blast will be sent once a date is confirmed.
Cowboy Action Shooting
The Gunnysackers will be at the Harvard Club from June 3rd through June 5th shooting in the MA, RI & CT Tri-State Championship. Yankee, aka Ron Rice, has been busy for the past couple of weeks getting the shoot organized and creating the different stages the deparados will be shooting.
Skeet & Trap
The high-house skeet machine has been having a hissy fit lately and breaking clays. The problem was rectified but has resurfaced to the annoyance of our skeet shooters.
Quotes of the Month
”But to ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the innocent and law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless, and that the law will permit them to have only such rights and liberties as the lawless will allow.”— Jeff Snyder in The Washington Times
"Blaming guns for killing people is like blaming pencils for bad spelling ."— Larry The Cable Guy
"Goats are like mushrooms.
Because if you shoot a duck,
I'm scared of toasters."
— Joe Biden (A copypasta that has been circulating the Internet in various forms since ~2012 and currently in use as an — almost believable — Joe Biden quote.)
The Great Shooting Stance Feud
by Sheriff Jim Wilson/Shooting Illustrated
The 1911 vs Glock or 9mm vs vs .45 ACP dustups were just flashes in the pan compared to this feud.
May 10th marked the birthday of the late Col. Jeff Cooper, founder of the Modern Technique of the Pistol. A lot of you who are new to the party may not be aware of the furor that this man caused and, in fact, seemed to glory in. It was the Great Shooting Stance Feud.
In the beginning all was good. Handguns were popular and shooting styles were standardized and accepted. Old guys generally shot their pistols with one hand. Young guys shot their pistols with two hands in a style that some called the Isosceles (some being the ones who had been to college and could actually spell the word). All was tranquil in the handgun community.
And then along comes this guy Cooper. He had the audacity to suggest that the shooter would have better control over his handgun if he used what Cooper called the Weaver. This involved an isometric two-hand grip on the pistol and the elbows cocked in odd directions. It was suggested that all real men would use this new shooting technique and rumored that it had been blessed by John M. Browning and John Wayne.
Well, you can just imagine the furor that was raised in the shooting community. The Association of Hypothetical Gunfighters convened immediately. This august body determined that Cooper’s poison had already gone too far among 1911 shooters, so they were best left alone, especially since this group was known to have a number of surly members. But it was positively decreed that all Glock shooters would use the Isosceles stance, violation of which would cause the member’s loss of their discount at Bath & Body. No one was quite sure what the rule should be for revolver shooters, mainly because no one was really sure that there were any revolver shooters left in the world.
Oh, let me tell you, it got nasty there for a while. Nasty things were said back and forth, horribly nasty things, using hyphenated words. They had to charter two different buses to get the two factions to the SHOT Show Range Day. And, of course, separate bathrooms were required at all gun-related events.
Finally, in the fullness of time, the feud pretty well petered out. Somebody figured out that, if you were going to be a real shootist, you’d better be skilled at the Isosceles stance, the Weaver stance, and even point shooting. And, it really didn’t matter what you carried… what mattered was what you could do with it.
Happy Birthday, John Dean “Jeff” Cooper.
Club Calendar
Monday, June 6th – 8:00 pm
Monday, August 1st – 8:00 pm
Sundays: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesdays: 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturdays: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Tuesdays: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Tuesday, June 7th – 7:00 pm & Thursday June 9th – 7:00 pm
Saturday, June 12th – 9:00 am. Register here.
…And Finally