The Satuit Nimrod
The Newsletter of the Scituate Rod & Gun Club
February 2022 — V29N02
News Around The Club
It's March and with March comes St. Patrick's Day so the only gun club in the most "Irish Town in America" will celebrate Ireland's famous saint with not one, but two shoots on Saturday, March 19th. Kicking off at 9:00 am is a combined Skeet and Trap shoot, followed at noon with a "Miss and You're Out" pistol match. So bring a shotgun, a pistol and lots of ammunition and have a blast.
There have been several recent occasions where the clubhouse lights have been left on all night along with the wood stove fan. Further, the kitchen door and hatch have been left open thus allowing the heat in the kitchen to escape thereby increasing the risk of pipes freezing and bursting.
If you are the last person to leave the clubhouse it is your responsibility to make sure the lights and stove fan are off and the kitchen is secured. Remember, we have cameras!
Cowboy Action Shooting
There is nothing planned at this point for a Cowboy shoot in March as the Gunnysackers are competing in the SASS World Championship of Cowboy Shooting in Phoenix AZ. Following the shoot our cowboys and cowgirls will wend their way home via circuitous routes, stopping to shoot at other cowboy matches along the way.
January's "Miss and You're Out" (MAYO) pistol match, postponed until Feb. 5th due to weather, was well worth the wait. A dozen, or so, members tested their skills by shooting at 8-inch diameter steel plates arrayed at 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 25 yards. Just one shot per plate, miss and you were out of that round. Multiple rounds were shot with only two shooters going the distance. On the first round both Andrew Thompson and Richard Martin shot clean necessitating a shoot-off on a 12-inch plate at 50 yards. Both shooters missed with their first two shots, while Andrew rang the plate with his third shot.
As everyone had so much fun at the last MAYO match the Pistol Committee is holding another MAYO match on Saturday, March 19th starting at noon. Bring plenty of ammo because the more you bring, the more fun you will have — all for a paltry $5.00.
Trap & Skeet
Skeet and Trap will be holding a combined St. Paddy's shoot on Saturday, March 19th. The shoot will be a combination of skeet and trap; 25 birds of each. There will be some green and gold "special" birds mixed in. Shooting is hungry work so there will be corned beef and cabbage so you don't get "hangry".
Price is $20.00 gets you the two rounds and lunch. Shooting starts at 9:00 am and goes 'til everyone is done shooting.
Our Skeet Chairman, Jeff Patterson, asks that you drop him an email ( if you will be participating so he can get an idea of a headcount for the meal.
The Winter Skeet League is ongoing and runs until the third Sunday in March. Looking at the score sheet posted in the clubhouse shows that some members who signed up are going to have a busy time getting all their rounds shot before the conclusion of the league on Sunday, March 20th.
Photo Shoot at SRGC
A local photographer will be using our facilities for product photography during the last week of March. The shoot will be in the morning and only last a couple of hours; access to the clubhouse might be temporarily restricted at times.
Quotes of the Month
“Gun bans don’t disarm criminals, gun bans attract them.”
– Walter F. Mondale – 42nd Vice President
"A gun is no more dangerous than a cricket bat in the hands of a madman."
– Prince Philip
"Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety"
– Thomas F. Shubnell – Author
Welcome Aboard
Scituate Rod & Gun Club welcomes these new members who have joined us recently:
Liam Brenner Nicholas Pellegrini
Michael DiMeo David Power
Michael Donovan Kelly Morgan
William Donovan (Jr) Ben Sears
Phillip Garrett Louis Shkliew
Michael Guerrera David Tremblay
Maryellen Rodgers Eric Ulvila
Jonathan Rodgers Scott Valcourt
Lyman Digital Scale Recall
Attention re-loaders, Lyman has issued recalls for their MICRO-TOUCH 1500 and PRO-TOUCH 1500 digital scales. A circuitry change in 2020 and 2021 may result in certain scales improperly reading trickled powder. This could potentially produce a lower scale reading than the actual amount.
Full details and how to determine if your scale is affected and requires repair or replacement can be found on Lyman's website.
5 Reasons You Want a Lever Gun (Even if You Don't Know it Yet)
Courtesy Shane Jahn/NRA Family
Recently I was talking with friends while we anxiously awaited the opening of pronghorn season. Our conversation came around to lever-action rifles and I announced my fondness for them. My amigo Kelly Grahmann admitted that he did not own a lever gun and asked me to convince him as to why he needed one. Maybe you need some convincing, too. So, here we go…
1. American by Design
The lever-action is uniquely American. The first U.S. designed lever-action was actually a handgun developed by a couple of guys named Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson, called the Volcanic. The duo later went on to become icons in the handgun world. The Volcanic morphed into a rifle but was not overly successful. However, the idea was, and a shirt maker named Oliver Winchester invested in the Volcanic Repeating Arms company, envisioning a market for the lever-action rifle. The vision of Winchester and a man named Benjamin Tyler Henry brought us the first practical lever gun in 1860, now known as “The Henry.” Later, gun genius John Browning designed a variety of upgrades and innovations to bring us many of the lever-action rifles we are so familiar with today.
2. Cowboy Cool
Every red-blooded American has a little cowboy in them, it’s who we are. What better way to express this heritage than shouldering a good lever-action in the spirit of such noted patriots as Teddy Roosevelt and John Wayne?
3. Personal Defense
The lever-action carbine is a perfect platform for a defense longarm. While AR-style rifles are extremely popular and effective, a good lever gun is a strong candidate for a personal defense rifle. One game warden I know has a slick lever gun with a suppressor and is very impressed with its performance. I know several lawmen who routinely carry lever-actions in their patrol vehicles as their primary long gun. Sheriff Jim Wilson has a short-barreled Browning B-92 in .44 Remington Magnum that he used while patrolling remote west Texas. Periodically I try trading him out of it (no luck to date)!
4. They’re Handy
Many lever-action rifles, especially in carbine configuration, are extremely compact. Sixteen-inch-barreled carbines chambered in handgun cartridges such as .357 Magnum, .44 Remington Magnum and .45 Colt are excellent choices. Magazine capacity for lever guns in handgun cartridge chamberings runs from eight to 12 rounds, depending of which configuration you choose, offering sufficient round capacity for any task at hand. Mag capacities for rifle cartridges usually range from four to eight rounds depending on barrel and magazine length.
5. Great for Real Hunting
Chambered in hard-hitting cartridges such as the .45-70 Govt., .348 Win., 500 S&W and the ageless .30-30 Winchester, just to name a few, the lever-action provides substantial knock-down power at its intended ranges. Don’t believe it? Ask my friend Richard Mann, who has taken two ornery Cape buffalo with Marlin rifles in .45-70 Gov’t. Want to spice-up your hunting experience? Take a lever-action rifle to the field. The fast-cycling lever gun also offers rapid follow-up shots if needed. Furthermore, combining old-school hunting technique (getting as close as possible to your quarry) with such a gun can lead to a truly exciting and memorable hunt.
Also, many companies offer smaller versions of their big-bore lever-actions in .22 long rifle as well, allowing for cheap practice and plinking with the same action as your hunting and/or defense rifle.
No matter what job is thrust upon the lever-action rifle; hunting, competition or personal defense, it is undeniably up to the task. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate our heritage than embracing the American-designed lever-action. They are proven, practical, effective, and extremely cowboy cool!
Club Calendar
Monday, March 7th – 8:00 pm
Monday, April 4th – 8:00 pm
Saturday, March 19th – 9:00 am until whenever…
Sundays: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesdays: 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturdays: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Tuesdays: 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm
"Miss And You're Out" Pistol Match – Saturday, February 5th – Noon.
None Scheduled.
Tuesday, April 5th – 7:00 pm & Thursday April 7th – 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 13th – 9:00 am. Register here.
…And Finally