The Satuit Nimrod
The Newsletter of the Scituate Rod & Gun Club
November 2023 — V30N11
News Around the Club
Our annual Turkey Shoot held on Sunday, November 19th was a great success with a turnout that exceeded expectations thanks to a warm, sunny day and no Patriots game. As usual, the Zombies were a big hit as were the 22 Lucky Targets; both games experienced wait times of over an hour. The other games were also very busy all afternoon. A full set of downloadable photos taken of the event are available here.
A big word of thanks goes out to all the club members who helped at the event. Also, a shout out goes to Ernie Foster and Webster Printing for the posters and lawn signs.
A couple of weeks prior to the Turkey Shoot we had a Cleanup Day to fluff 'n buff the clubhouse and cleanup the grounds. The participants were rewarded with pizza from Victoria's. Thanks to those who helped, here's a few photos; you'll have to excuse your editor's strange sense of humour.
This is how we destroy evidence Thomas, Uncle Phil showed me how to do it.
I've been walking around with this rake all day and haven done a thing yet. Phew!
Someone said there would be diving.
Yes, I'm tall and walk funny.
Christmas Party
We will be holding a Christmas Party at the club on Sunday, December 17th from 5:00 – 8:30 pm. Join us for dinner and Christmas Trivia; please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Also, BYOB.
RSVP by December 10th if you will be attending via the signup sheet in the clubhouse or by emailing
The next pistol match will be another, ever popular, "Miss and You're Out!" match which will be held on Saturday, December 9th starting at 11:00 am. For this match the tie breaker will be a new dueling target with two paddles. On the buzzer two duelists will shoot at their respective target. The paddle that is hit first swings around and is displayed in a window and blocks the other target. Shooting this target requires a center-fire round; .22RF will not move the paddle.
Skeet and Trap
Trap shooting on Tuesday evenings is on hold until the Spring. Skeet continues to shoot on shooting Sundays and Wednesday evenings.
Maggie's Drawers Lucky Target Shoot
The Skeet Committee will hold our annual Maggie's Drawers Lucky Target Shoot on Sunday, December 17th, starting at 10:00 am. Lunch is included, but feel free to bring an example of your culinary skills — venison chili is always appreciated. The winner will be awarded their prize, a pair of red bloomers guaranteed to fit anyone, at the Christmas Party in the evening. Tradition demands that the lucky winner don said bloomers and parade around the clubhouse for all to see. Our esteemed Executive Officer demonstrates proper etiquette in the picture below.
Cowboy Action Shooting
Cowboy Action Shooting is busy with some of the Gunnysakers shooting in the Nationals held recently in OK. There will be a Wild Bunch match on on Sunday December 10th, starting at 9:00 am and the annual Brass Monkey Shoot taking place on January 7th — the weather is forecast to be balmy for this shoot.
A .22RF rifle match will be held on New Year's Day starting at 11:00 am in deference to those who need a wee bit more time on the morning after. There will be categories for both optical and iron sites. This will be a fun day of shooting at animal silhouettes.
Archery season is over and we are now into Shotgun followed by the Primitive (Muzzle-loader) seasons. A couple of our members took deer on our property during Archery season; Conner Doherty and Phil Lennon. Conner took a buck while Phil bagged a doe.
The range has been quite busy of late with members sighting-in shotguns and muzzle-loaders.
Conner with his buck
Phil's doe
Quotes of the Month
“The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.”
~ Max Horkheimer – German philosopher
"And, I know the sense of helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself because that's what I did. I was trained in firearms. I'd walk to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if somebody was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me."
~ Dianne Feinstein – Notorious CA gun grabber
"[President Clinton] boasts about 186,000 people denied firearms under the Brady Law rules. The Brady Law has been in force for three years. In that time, they have prosecuted seven people and put three of them in prison. You know, the President has entertained more felons than that at fundraising coffees in the White House, for Pete's sake."
~ Charlton Heston – circa 1996
An America Without Gun Rights Would Look Like Mexico, Not Australia
by Aaron DeCortel. Published in The Federalist, 11/01/23
If Americans allow their firearms to be outlawed and then confiscated, would we, in fact, become like Australia or New Zealand? The answer is clear.
Every mass shooting inevitably leads those on the left to call for a ban on “assault weapons,” and this time is no different. Thus begins the barrage of calls for “sensible gun laws” on social media, from network pundits, and via Vice President Kamala Harris herself, using Australia or New Zealand as the models. These unarmed countries, they tell us, prove you can strip citizens of their ability to own firearms and live in a nonviolent utopia. Is that the likely outcome of such a ban in America?
Thought experiment, leaving aside the issue of a right enshrined in the Constitution: If Americans allow their firearms to be outlawed and then confiscated, would we in fact, become like Australia or New Zealand?
If we gave up AR-15s and then a mass shooting took place where a semi-automatic handgun was used, opponents of gun rights would take those too — the same with a shooter with a hunting rifle, then a shooter with a shotgun, and on and on. We know where this leads. It can’t end with “military style” firearms. A confiscation of AR-15s would eventually lead to a complete ban on almost every gun. How long would that take? Five years, 10 years? It wouldn’t take very long once the ball is rolling and mass shooters move to handguns and shotguns, which would quickly be banned as the public’s demand for “safety” would be too much for politicians to stand against.
Cut to a Republican senator being interviewed on CNN the day after a mass shooting where a 9mm handgun was used: Senator, just a few months ago you voted to ban AR-15s because scores of children were killed in a school shooting. Today, with more dead children, you won’t support the banning of semi-automatic handguns? How can you tell those parents why the shooter was able to legally obtain a Glock 19 that, like the AR-15s that you voted to ban, allowed the shooter to fire many rounds and reload in a matter of seconds? What’s the difference, senator? Do those dead children think it was better to be shot by a handgun rather than a long gun? Senator?
That lawmaker would crumble, and so would others. What would we be left with? A technical right to keep and bear arms that practically renders that right meaningless.
How do we know this? We know this because we have seen this before in Mexico. Read the full article.
Club Calendar
Monday, December 4th – 8:00 pm.
Monday, December 4th– 7:00 pm.
Sunday, December 17th – 5:00 to 8:30 pm
Sunday, December 17th — 10:00 am.
Sundays: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Wednesdays: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturdays: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Tuesdays: On Hold until the Spring.
Miss and You're Out! match – Saturday, December 9th, starting at 11:00 am.
.22RF Rifle Match – New Year's Day, 11:00 am.
Wild Bunch Match – Sunday, December 10th at 9:00 am.
Brass Monkey Shoot – Sunday, January 7th at 9:00 am.
Tuesday, December 5th – 7:00 pm & Thursday December 7th – 7:00 pm Register here.
Tuesday, January 2nd – 7:00 pm & Thursday January 4th – 7:00 pm Register here.
Sunday, December 10th – 9:00 am Register here.